MY resources
Below is a list of articles, books, and video I have been using to inform myself on issues broadly related to the intersection of food and agriculture with climate change. Please feel free to browse and download.
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The food system is complex, and to get product from farm to table engages a host of market participants who all need to coordinate and align between themselves. Theory U is a project management system that guides the team through defined stages of exploration to achieve consensus, before investing and building.
A collection of articles pointing to the need to reform / regenerate our food system, restore soil and water back to health. Read More
Recordings of webinars, discussions, presentations related to a regenerative transition for the Food and Agriculture industry. See My Channel
We have a library of events that had been developed for different groups and specialized topics. Check out the process structure required for a successful event.
Working with AI
We have been working with a team of programmers, techies, and systems designers to train an AI chatbot to specialize on the intersection of Food and Agriculture with a changing climate.