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Super Health Food


We specialize in the support and design of community food systems, connecting market participants across the farm to table value chain, with a specific emphasis on the Base of Pyramid Economy. An increasing number of community members have become vulnerable to economic hardships and have difficulty accessing adequate nutrition. While there is plenty of support available from government, churches, and non-profit groups, it does require strategic guidance to connect local sourcing, processing, and distribution with customers. 

Online Workshop

Webinar hosting

Webinars are a great way to bring together experts from different disciplines to review a specific topic from multiple perspectives to share with a wide audience. They require preparation and structure, but can be used in place of focus group research at much lower cost. Food with Thought has extensive experience to organize a webinar around a client's needs, a process that typically takes 2-3 months. 

Discuss with coworkers

market research

There are many best practice examples from around the country showcasing a regenerative transition of local / regional food systems. We can provide an assessment of resources already available in the community. For either new or in progress projects, Food with Thought can provide an overview of ideas, examples, and resources to create a head start. 

operational design

To connect local / regional farmers with wholesale markets requires multiple participants, such as aggregators, processors, logistics, retailers. Food with Thought can develop a gap analysis to provide market intelligence, identify opportunities for both existing businesses and new entries. 

Business Plan

panel discussions

Communities are systems that connect in ways not always transparent to everyone. Specific challenges are best discussed between experts from impacted sectors. Developing a panel discussion in form of a webinar or community forum requires logistics, research, panel selection and preparation, marketing. We can provide turnkey support including the moderator. 

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